Quick Hack: Quieting the Monkey Mind
Reading Time: 2 minutes Inner critics or saboteurs chip away at our accomplishments. Startup life is already tough. Some inner peace can go a long way to ease the journey.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Inner critics or saboteurs chip away at our accomplishments. Startup life is already tough. Some inner peace can go a long way to ease the journey.
Reading Time: 6 minutes As the new year comes around, it always sparks the desire to re-examine past achievements and set new goals as you look toward the future. Here are some hacks to help.
Reading Time: 10 minutes If I were to ask you to list all the skills you have learned up to now in your life, how many do you think you could list? (Psst – we’re going to add anchoring to this list.)
Reading Time: 2 minutes Most people are aware of their nagging internal commentary that rears its head at different times throughout the day. This is typically called negative self-talk.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you need more information or a new perspective on what you already know? Well you can achieve that from the comfort of your own home and in the comfort of your own mind.
Reading Time: < 1 minute Feeling stuck? Change your state to get unstuck! What is a state? Simply put, it is your psycho-physio-emotional being.